Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gone Shroomin'

On Sunday Casey and I went mushroom hunting near Stampede Pass, WA (map). This is near where the TV show Twin Peaks was filmed*. We went there on a tip from my acupuncturist (who barely speaks English but knows his mushrooms). What a variety of mushrooms we came across! Everything from inedible to delicious and medicinal to deadly. Colors of red, orange, yellow, purple, blue, pink, brown, black and white. We took photos (link) and brought pounds of mushrooms back home. Casey spent the evening identifying them. Although we could have eaten quite a few, we decided not to because we are still learning. You want to be positive of the species or it could be fatal. I am already looking forward to our next hunt.

*For the fellow Twin Peaks fans: Next time I am going to get a slice of cherry pie and a cup of Jo at the famous Double R Diner.