Monday, November 9, 2009

The flu shot made me sick.

Thinking that I might have to nanny to earn some money while on the job hunt, I got the seasonal flu shot on Thursday. I have been feeling ill since Saturday with a cough, sore throat, head congestion, etc. I know that no one believes me, but I think the flu shot got me sick. This has happened once before a couple years back. I went on the CDC website and it only lists possibility for getting these symptoms under the nasal vaccine. Casey thinks they are hiding information so more people go get it. While doing some internet research I have found some interesting articles about the flu vaccine like one from the Atlantic on how the efficiency of the vaccine has never really been tested. In summary, I have decided not to get the shot again until I am really in one of those high risk levels.


  1. So, when you turn 60 or if you go back in time to when you were 2. Sounds fair. I cant remember I the last time I had a flu shot. I'm looking forward to the invention of the Monkey flu. I've always wanted to be a monkey.

  2. Because the flu shot IS the flu!

  3. I came back from a cruise with some kind of upper respiratory funk. It has symptons of both a cold and a flu. I have the same symptoms as you which are all associated with the common cold and not the flu. But I also have had fever off and on for the past couple of days and a headache and achiness which are associated with the flu and not the cold. So I don't know what the heck I have. I hope you get better soon!

  4. I forgot to mention I have not had the flu shot. I'm not going to get it unless work makes me.
